Customer Experience Strategy: An Exclusive 3-Part Video Webinar Series

Author: CCMC

Quality and customer service have become closely allied under the umbrella of Customer Experience and Customer Experience Strategy.  CCMC’s benchmarking of more than 120 companies found that when Quality, Service and Insights are closely aligned, customer satisfaction metrics increased at twice their prior annual rate.[1]

While Quality used to focus solely on product quality, it now focuses on processes related to customer satisfaction, such as the setting of customer expectations and onboarding customers. 

Starting as complaint resolution, customer service has evolved into customer experience, which now focuses on the end-to-end customer journey.  Insights’ divisions have added customer research to market research activities.

Customer Experience 3.0 is proactive and preventive rather than reactive. Rather than inspecting product quality and handling complaints, a customer experience strategy proactively prevents dissatisfaction by anticipating and eliminating problems before they occur.

Quality applies a broader root cause analysis that includes customer expectations and identifies user and other errors.

Service flags new customers, motivates them to get educated and then onboards them so that they have proper expectations and know how to get the most out of product functionality. 

The following three videos explore how to harmonize quality, service and insights into an impactful customer service strategy that is proactive, preventive and appropriately engaging.

Listen to John Goodman explain how to measure, manage, and modernize your customer experience strategy.

Part 1 – Moving Your Quality Efforts Toward the Customer Experience (WebEx, 46 min)

Listen and learn how to:

  • Go beyond product quality to the end-to-end customer experience for a much broader impact on the business; 
  • Understand underlying customer behavior, both consumer and business, and how it contributes to quality problems. For instance, customers cause almost one-third of problems;
  • Leverage technology to reduce and prevent challenges before they arise in the first place; and 
  • Justify investments in quality based on revenue and word-of-mouth rather than only cost savings.

Part 2 – Three Tools to Help Manage the Customer Experience (WebEx, 50 min)

In part two, you will learn how to:

  • Broaden your root cause analysis to create an expanded set of prevention tools;
  • Create a more actionable and compelling Voice of the Customer process, drawing on customer contacts, surveys and internal operational data that often allows you to predict problems before they occur;
  • Create an economic model that will convince the CFO and CMO to invest in quality, and
  • Precipitate action by quantifying the monthly revenue damage of failing to take action.

Part 3 – Measuring and Quantifying the Customer Experience Strategy (WebEx, 49 min)

In the third and final part of the series, you will discover how to:

  • Understand the key components of a Customer Experience Strategy as well as the metrics to measure the size of the opportunity and the impact of various actions, and
  • Master the advantages and pitfalls of a wide range of metrics from satisfaction and recommend to Net Promoter and Customer Effort.

[1] Goodman, Demirasi, Hollmann, “Factors Leading to an Impactful Voice of the Customer Process”, Call Center Pipeline, October 2019